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Booking air tickets
25 articles
How to cancel a paid booking?
How to change an unpaid booking?
How to make changes to a paid flight booking?
Where can I find information about the order?
How can I order meals on board?
How can I pay for additional luggage?
I booked a ticket, how can I issue it?
Where to find the invoice for the air ticket?
How do the filters work?
How much time do I have to issue the tickets?
Where can I find information about the Ticket Time Limit?
Where can I find information about the luggage allowance?
Where can I find and download information on paid bookings?
Can I use my loyalty card for a flight booking?
Booking statuses
Ticket Time Limit
How to book a flight for a child without an adult?
How can I book flights with multiple destinations?
How to book a flight?
What are the exchange and refund rules?
How to book low-cost airlines on RateHawk
How to pay for air tickets with a card?
How to pay for air tickets from the credit limit?
How often am I allowed to cancel my ticket bookings and will there be a cancellation fee for this?
How the Credit Limit Works When Booking with RateHawk