How do I add Users?
Updated over a week ago

To get to the Users section, click on the Company name icon in the top right corner of your back office page and press "Settings"

You will see menu of the Setting, where you will find "Users"

Choose section Users to add, delete, disable users or edit information.


To add a new user you need to fill in the name, email, contact number and choose the type of permissions. Click on “Add user” button to finish.

Check the indicated email address. We automatically send out a confirmation email with a password setup link. Set the password to complete the registration process.


To delete an existing account- click on the trash bin sign. If you need to restore a deleted user, just add a new.

To disable an account- click on the lock sign, to restore blocked account- click on the lock sign once again.

To edit a users details, click on the pen sign and change the data.

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